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P. 6

     Product Description
     is a solvent free, one component sealant which is used as primary sealant for
     manufacturing insulating glass units.
     It has a very low water permeability, good adhesion to glass, aluminum and steel &
     has a good ageing resistance.
     Clean & dry adhesion surface to get rid of dirty, oily things.
     BS058 is applied by special hot-melt butyl extrusion machine.
     The extrusion condition could be satisfied through temperature &
     pressure adjustment, for example temperature could be adjusted over the range of
     100°C~130°C. The temperature should not be lower than 10°C in application.
     The aluminum spacer strip clean standby, Butyl hot-melt sealant into the extruder
     cylinder preheating to 110-130℃,the temperature controller to keep constant
     temperature, play the rubber strip check uniform continuous line
     the rubber strip.
     the glue barrel temperature should be adjusted higher 10~15 ℃,and the extrusion
     pressure is form 150Mpa to 200Mpa, Take hot melt butyl rubber,
     hands should be clean, the glue surface don't stick in the dust, oil and solvent, glue
     can war off wool gloves for smearing operation, contact with hot glue when burn care.

                                                                                              جتنملا فصو
                                           لزاعلا  جاجزلا تادحو ةعانص ًف  مدختست  ،برستلل ةلزاع تابٌذملا نم ةٌلاخ ةدام
                  . دملاا لٌوط رمعو ةٌلاع ةموامم هٌدلو ذلاوفلاو موٌنمللأاو جاجزلل زاتمم قاصتلا ، هاٌملل ةٌاغلل ةضفخنم ةٌذافن اهٌدل
                                                                                             مادختسلاا ةيفيك
                                                  ةٌتٌزلا  داوملاو تاروذاملاا نم اهمادختسا دارملا حطسلاا فٌفجتو  فٌظنت
                                                ةصاخلا نخاسلا نابوذلا لٌتوب كثب ةلآ  ةطساوبBS058 دختساوما   كٌبطت  متٌ
                  ىلع  ةرارحلا ةجرد طبض نكمٌ لاثملا لٌبس ىلع ، طغضلاو ةرارحلا ةجرد طبض للاخ نم كثبلا ةلاح ءافٌتسا نكمٌ
    مادختسلاا ًف ةٌوئم ةجرد   10  نم للأ ةطٌحملا ةئٌبلا ةرارح ةجرد نوكت نأ ًغبنٌ لا امك ةٌوئم ةجرد   130  ~  ةٌوئم ةجرد   100  ىدم
               Mpa 200    ىلا  Mpa150  نم كثبلا طغض نوكٌو ℃   15  ~   10  نم ىلعأ  كصلالا لٌمرب  ةرارح ةجرد طبض بجٌ
                                                       دارملا حطسلا ىلع همادختساب رشاب نخاسلا  بئاذلا لٌتوب طاطم  ذخ
                                                         تابٌذملاو توٌزلا رابغلا نم رذحلا  ةفٌظن يدٌلأا نوكت نأ  بجٌ
                                                          دلجلا بئاذلا لٌتوبلا ةسملام مدع فوصلا تازافل مادختسا مدع
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