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ALUMINIUM SPACER BAR  POLYSULFIDE SEALANT                                     

          Smart PS-380 Comp. A & Smart PS-380 Comp. B

 Processng  Descrpton
 Advanced rollng formng and hgh frequency weldng technology.  The molecular structure of raw   very advanced chemcal propertes Applcatons.  fast curng, low densty, two-component,
 materal won't be damaged compared wth cold drawn technology.The producton process s   polysulfde sealants.  The product used for nsulated glass, t s has very low permeablty to
 through modfyng & straghtenng by mould.Last through the roller, t s gans ar vents on the sdes   water & gases  Sutable for fuselage sealng and fllng vods, these manganese doxde cured sealants
 surface to absorb gases nsde the nsulatng glass unts. Deferent sze-thckness-length-spec/panted   have outstandng resstance to avaton gasolne and jet fuel, as well as resstance to chemcals,
 profle/ butyled profle/ bendable  & unbendable profle  hydraulc uds and petroleum products commonly used n the arcraft ndustry and glazng ndustry.
 Advantages   The Sealants mantan exblty and bond strength on most metal substrates such as: alumnum,
 Hgh brghtness, ant corroson, ant oxdaton. Well arranged vents, perfect straghtness, stable,   ttanum, steel, stanless steel, and many coatngs under extremes of temperature, weatherng and
 non-deformaton.Hgh strength & toughness, free angle bendng. Good actvty of molecular seve,   stress. The mxed compound s a thxotropc paste, easly appled by spatula, extruson gun or
 excellent adheson to all glues type. Connected by only one straghter, good sealng wth   njecton gun and exhbts superb toolng propertes.
 long lfetme.  Used rato
 Qualty   Polysulfde sealants recommended to be mxed wth a volumetrc rato of (Comp.A -10) to (Comp.B-1)
 Whole producton lne s montored by computer to ensure 100% processon & stablty Well   solvent-free adhesve WEL Long-term value: 5 mg/m³ as Mn
 organzed vents, good actvty to all of type desccants. Neat carton packagng, tdy appearance   Decomposton takes place from temperatures above: 120°C
 wthout twstng or exposure. has the unque endurance ablty n weather or humdty and   Advantages
 excellent compatblty wth other materals.  Very low gas and mosture penetraton rates. Hgh adheson to alumnum & glass surfaces.
 A spacer thermal performance tested  by IKATES, s.r.o./Czech republc  Long pot lfe tmes. Short curng tmes. No known hazardous reactons
          The product s certfed by
          TNO Insttute/Holland.
          IfT Rosenhem/Germany.
          IKATES, s.r.o./Czech republc

                                                                                Smart PS-380 Comp. A & Smart PS-380 Comp. B

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