Page 6 - Eyüpoğlu - Online Katalog 2020
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Descrpton Descrpton
Based on hydrocarbons, styrene-rubber copolymers, and resns. an actve sngle-part hot melt sealant that oers enhanced performance, fast settng
Butyl sealants s basc used for sealng n applcaton such as curtan wall jonts thermoplastc adhesves wth good “hot tack” and low to medum vscosty
metal panel jonng, beddng thresholds secondary glazng seals & area where a seal s requred. productvty and durablty over exstng IGU sealant optons.
Cure Tme Wth hgher thermal resstance and tensle strength, t s equpped to handle contnual
Butyl Sealant generally cures at a rate of 1/16” per day at 75 °F (24 °C) and 50% RH. applcaton stresses, to meet ncreasng demands and regulatons
The cure tme wll ncrease as temperatures and/or humdty decrease. Easy to use, ths product allows to reach unprecedented speeds on automated lnes
A good rule of thumb s one addtonal day for every 10 °F decrease n temperature. (whle stll compatble wth manual applcaton), wth no curng tme, a shortest sknnng tme,
Applcaton and no waste. It also s a versatle sealng soluton that exhbts excellent adheson to glass and
Substrate Preparaton Surfaces must be sound, clean, and dry. All release agents; commonly encountered surfaces n IGU constructon.Hot Melt Adhesves bond to a wde varety of
exstng waterproofng, dust, loose mortar, latance, pants, or other fnshes must be removed. substrates such as corrugated, repackng chpboard, recuperate, wood, glazng and many other
Ths can be accomplshed wth a thorough wre brushng, grndng, sandblastng, or solvent washng, lghtweght materals. Low vscosty adhesve wth “quck grab” propertes Applcaton Clean & dry
dependng on the contamnaton. adheson surface to get rd of drty, oly thngs, and t’s appled by specal hot-melt butyl extruson
Recommends that surface temperatures be 40 °F (5 °C) or above at the tme the sealant s appled. machne. The extruson condton could be satsfed through temperature and pressure adjustment,
If sealant must be appled n temperatures below 40 °F, for example temperature could be adjusted over the range of 100°C~130°C. The temperature hands
Apply Butyl Sealant wth conventonal caulkng equpment fllng the jont For the best sealng, should be clean, the glue surface don't stck n the dust, ol and solvent, glue can war o wool gloves
a total sealng depth of at least 4 mm should be appled to both sdes of the spacer wth a total of for smearng operaton, contact wth hot glue when burn care.
2.0-2.5 g / meter Do not touch hand after the materal has been appled, Advantages
as ths may cause a lack of adheson. Ant UV performance super on glass, alumnum & stanless steel.It wll not ow at 100°C , & no
Bes des the temperature of the separator and the glass surfaces should be15-25 ° C for good adhes- hardenng and crackngat -40°C. In Temperature:100°C to 150°C for 24h of contnuous use t wll not
on. the product should be brought to an approprate operatng temperature. change nto powder or beng harden.Prolong the servce lfe ofnsulatng glass. non ammable
Shelf Lfe Storage materal.
2 years n orgnal packagng. PACKING 1.0 kg / 2.5 kg metal cans, Qualty Guarantee
It s packed n 7.0 kg / 8.0 kg cardboard tubes. As Ths product s non ammable and non explosve materal, accordng to the general non
Recommended storage temperature + 10 ° C to + 30 ° C. Protect from drect sunlght or thermal dangerous goods safely transport. Ths product s stored n a cool dry place avod the sun,
radaton. Storage at temperatures below +10 ° C and temperatures above + 30 ° C does not cause You can storage the product up to 2 years.
damage to the product, but requres controllng the ntal humdty value.
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