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Descrpton Molecular Seve 3A \ 4A \5A
Commonly used desccants n the IG ndustry to prevent Chemcal Formula:KnNa12-n[(AlO2)12(SO2)12]Xh2o
the nsde glass surfaces from foggng as because of A knd of alkal-metallc, slcon-alumnum compounds, It could absorb the molecular whch crtcal
condensaton of Desccants are used n IG unts mosture dameter s not more than 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ angstroms.
vapor or organc vapors that may be n the nter pane Applcaton
space Mosture vapor mght be trapped n the Inter pane Molecular Seve Dryng of varous lquds(such as ethanol) Ar dryng;
space durng The manufacturng of the IG unt or can Dryng of refrgerants; Dryng of natural gas, methane gas; Dryng of unsaturated hydrocarbons and
permeate through the edge seal whle the IG unt s n use. pyrolyss gas, ethylene, acetylene, propylene, butadene.
Organcs that o-gas n the nter pane space can react Advantages
wth glass surfaces that become damp the water wth The Characterstcs of Instantaneous temperature, hgh adsorpton rate, t wll start workng whle
molecular seves Hghly porous crystals wth unform pore relatve humdty up to 12%, n certan crcumstances
szes of 3, 4, 5, and 10 Angstroms each havng a strong (nsde the hollow glass), and ts adsorpton rate wll reach about 19%, the temperature wll reach
anty for a specfc sze of a molecule. The 3-Å molecular more than 40 C.
seve’s structure allowswater vapor adsorpton yet used as a fll - n hollow spacer bars that are perforated to allow contact between the desccant fll and
excludes most other molecules. the vapor
The capacty of desccants s lmted, and any water vapor nfltratng the nter pane space after the
The 4-Å molecular seve has a slghtly hgher water vapor capacty but also adsorbs a saturated can result n fog on the nternal surface of the IG unt.
larger molecules ncludng oxygen and ntrogen; t s, therefore, less commonly used n IG edge seals. Desccants n IG unts prolong the wndows’ servce lfe by adsorbng mosture
Molecular seves have a hgh adsorpton capacty at a low relatve humdtyare therefore partcularly
useful n dry envronments such as the nter pane glazng space. These crystals are characterzed
by a three-dmensonal pore system, wth pores of precsely defned dameter.
Ths dameter s n the dmenson of the sze of molecules such as water, CO2 and H2S.
The pores can be adjusted to precsely determned unform openngs allowng for molecules
smaller than ts pore dameter to be adsorbed whlst excludng larger molecules, hence the name
“molecular seve”.
The derent pore szes of synthetc zeoltes open up a wde range of possbltes n terms of
"sevng" molecules of derent sze or shape gases & lquds.
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